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Female, 45 years old

Killimicat, NSW, AU, Australia

About Me

i only fit in when i have to be boring and responsible. (I am a yoga instructor ;D )
Outside of that you will find me in nature, on the water.having a relaxing beverage in the sun,
Or by the fireplace.
I appreciate good conversation and food.
I live to travel -
Whether it be packing up the van on a whim
Or getting lost abroad.
I have responsibilities like most of us -
Work (If you can really call it that)
But believe my life is to be lived and the serious stuff stays in the workplace.
None of us are getting out alive...
So lets live!

My Kind of Partner

If you took the time to read my essay above
I am looking for someone with a similar outlook on and lust for life.
A sense of humour is an absolute requirement
I just don't see that one being negotiable? :/
An adventurous spirit would definitely be an advantage...
A good heart, a kind soul, and a love for animals are also winners in my book.

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