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Male, 63 years old

Sussex Inlet, NSW, AU, Australia

About Me

I am Courteous, Honest & Respecful. I like Skinny Dipping, Thunder Storms & Laying on a blanket at the beach Star Gazing.

My Kind of Partner

Prefer Emo, Scene & Alternate or punk appearance but is not necessary. 49-54 old Single, divoced, widow or separated. No ties to another man/lady. Afectionate & likes receiving affecting. Good communication skills. A caring, honest & loyal lady.


To find a nice caring lady to share another chapter of our lives. A friend that willl talk & listen & understands it is better to talk then to let good or bad emotions stay bottled up inside.

Favourite Music

The Music of the Universe, Our Relationship with Sacred Sound & Mother Nature.

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Beach, Star Gazing & Escaping into the bush away from man made noise.

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