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Male, 38 years old

Applecross, WA, AU, Australia

Private Album - 2 Photos

You don't have permission to view Oceanpaddler's private album. He may give you permission if you send them a message or a flirt.

About Me

Born and raised in Perth and love the city but most people would agree it can be a little boring at times - people tend to stick to their same groups and don't experiment. I'm here to break the mould and try and find all you other Perthites looking to do the same :)

My Kind of Partner

Fun, outgoing, open-minded, healthy, friendly, sexy, experimental, happy, sane, sex-goddesses.
I doubt that all of the above applies to any of you since nobody is perfect... Or are you?! ;) but the more of these qualities the better (particularly the last 2 :p)

More FlingFinder Members

just go with the flow........... no male only females and just having fun.... enjoy the life nothing to worgry... good going


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