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Male, 51 years old

Alexander Heights, WA, AU, Australia

About Me

i am 35 single,full of life and doing just about anything.usually enjoy my circle.feel abit shy in new surroundings.but addapt fairly quickly.

My Kind of Partner

happy go lucky, no hang ups or depression issues.if it was that bad forget it insteed of reliving everyday


fairly sure i have experianced it

Favourite Movies

the last boyscott/bruce willis. shawshank redemption.. fallen/denzel washington.. forrest gump.. armagotton.. remember tne titans.. sordfish

Favourite Music

dance, hip hop, death, speed,, black metal rock n roll and some soft music is ok if its desent

Favourite TV Shows

simpsons, dragonball z love siting with the kids in the morning watching dragonball and kick back with them at tea time watching the simpsons.and anyone who dosnt like the simpsons is false or just to hard

Favourite Books


Favourite Food

food is like women. i like all of it.just some more than others. am not a fussy eater, but dont like to really eat infront of people

Favourite Sports

any really. but i play it.cant stand watching it

Favourite Hobbies, Games

collect old things, and gadgets. but not a horder

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