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Male, 51 years old

Butler, WA, AU, Australia

Private Album - 3 Photos

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About Me

I love to give and open to explore into affection,pleasure and trying new things to broaden or bend horizons and pleasures

My Kind of Partner

I’d like to find similar in interest, has good manners and is honest.also not afraid to push their limits or speak up to initiate them


Would be nice to get reciprocation if it’s out there

Favourite Movies

Action,thrillers,based on true events

Favourite Music

I have a wide range and cover lots of genres

Favourite TV Shows

Stupid repeats haha

Favourite Food

Tasty and pleasing to the eye kinda food ,Aussie pub grub is king but

Favourite Sports

Drags ,mma,surfing,adrenaline junkie stuff

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Drag racing,giving my sports bike shit everywhere,trail bikes ,4wd ,outdoor entertainment

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