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Male, 47 years old

Kurri Kurri, NSW, AU, Australia


About Me

My name is 32 yrs old...6ft eyes...brown hair...about 78 kg......... love to have fun.... like meeting new people

My Kind of Partner

someone who knows how to have fun......likes a good laugh

Favourite Movies

forest gump , book of eli , the wrestler , blade runner , big fish , matrix , mad max , deliverance , clint eastwood movies arnie many to mention

Favourite Music

soundgarden , pearljam , chilli peppers , queens of the stone age chris cornell live , most australian artists , powderfinger girltalk......anything really

Favourite TV Shows

man vs wild , mythbusters , family guy , american dad , simpsons.....heaps more

Favourite Books

gunslinger series , the bachman books , lord of the rings

Favourite Food


Favourite Sports

rugby league , rugby union , ufc , most motor sports

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