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Male, 35 years old

Carrara, QLD, AU, Australia

Private Album - 2 Photos

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About Me

i prefer to take things slow n easy. taking things too fast is like riding a roller coaster; you get light headed and loose your appetite. im quite cautious but when i get comfortable, its all fun and games ;).

My Kind of Partner

i try not to limit myself by saying what i do and dont like in a girl... to an extent. yes, i know that even if your fat your probably the sweetest girl on the inside[really], but for the love of god, i dont want to wake up next to you! no offence XD

oh. one more thing... all you girls that come with custom modifications to the female anatomy, one word: PROPORTIONAL! you arent. it looks funny when your giant, fake, breasts are bigger than your tiny head.

Favourite Movies

Endless Summer II

Favourite Music

Black Sabbath

Favourite TV Shows

Fat Pizza

Favourite Books

Garfield comics

Favourite Food


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