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Male, 39 years old

Kingscliff, NSW, AU, Australia

About Me

24, fit, drummer. Nicely endowed and educated on listening to a woman appear in the grip of intense sexuality. open minded and freedom loving, here for the first time and keen to find something interesting. Let's arrive together!

My Kind of Partner

emotionally stable with a living depth, Educated by days and experience. Genuinism. awesomeness. Artistic and proud to be here as a beautiful concsious human beieng!


Female police officer on duty

Favourite Movies

A Scanner Darkly

Favourite Music

Anything heartfelt

Favourite TV Shows

Family Guy

Favourite Books

Not the bible

Favourite Food

Whatever speaks to me through my taste buds

Favourite Sports

Drunk ones

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Definately Drumming and surfing

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