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Male, 30 years old

Banksia, NSW, AU, Australia

Private Album - 1 Photo

You don't have permission to view Horizon25's private album. He may give you permission if you send them a message or a flirt.

About Me

Young athletic man seeking sensation with likewise minded passionate females. Love coffee and outdoor activities. Can be very loyal and affectionate if given enough warmth.

My Kind of Partner

Would like people with trill for sex and sex and sex.


Having sex on the beach or sex while on a hike in the Bush.

Favourite Movies

Man on fire, the terminal, shawshank redemption.

Favourite Music

Bon jovi, mj, Coldplay, one republic, ed sheren.

Favourite Books

Jane ayre.

Favourite Food

Nasi goring( malaysian)

Favourite Sports

Badminton, cricket.

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Hiking, camping, reading, and sex

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