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Male, 49 years old

Glebe, NSW, AU, Australia

Private Album - 1 Photo

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About Me

Life's is short and when you work the way I work you just need to party like a mad person.
I'm not for getting stuck or staying for the long haul just do what we are meant to do and lets just have some fun.....
I'm from Canada but has been living in Australia for 16 yrs and doing really well.
Love Australia..........

My Kind of Partner

Anyone who's willing or planning to seek me out keep in mind that this is as it comes but I'm full of surprises.
I guess there's just one way to find out isn't it........


the best sexual fantasy would be seeing my partner have a exciting and full of adventure time while we are together as I just like pleasing others,

Favourite Movies

Four rooms, Bell Boy, Casablanca, Love Story.

Favourite Music

OTEP, Metallica, Creed, POD, Akon, BUBLE'", Nivarna, Guns n Roses, ACDC,

Favourite TV Shows

Dexter, CSI, SVU, Law n Order, 24, breaking bad, tudors, sons of anarchy,

Favourite Books

Standing Tall, War and Peace, Finale, Such is Life

Favourite Food

T Bone steak medium rare with pepper sauce and serve of vegies or Lobstor Mornay or roast pork on a coal rotasiarie

Favourite Sports


Favourite Hobbies, Games

Exercise, fixing my rally car, playing pool comps and outdoors with a beautiful person.

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