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Male, 30 years old

Albury, NSW, AU, Australia

Private Album - 1 Photo

You don't have permission to view Alburyhaydo's private album. He may give you permission if you send them a message or a flirt.

About Me

Just having a look for open minded friends, anything happens from there is just a bonus lol 😊 I'm open minded and happy to experiment (just talk to me first, promise I won't judge)

My Kind of Partner

Just be clean (obviously). I don't judge people on drugs, I don't care if you take drugs, I just don't want to hear about it or see it please 😊


To accomplish the impossible and make it around the world in 80 days! Wait...

Favourite Movies

War dogs

Favourite Music

Metallica. Slipknot. System Of a down. Onefour. Huskii. Lil sknow

Favourite TV Shows

Sapranos. Through the wormhole

Favourite Books

Meditations. Republic. Anything about the Sumerians. Quran.

Favourite Food


Favourite Sports


Favourite Hobbies, Games

Gym. Boxing. Reading.

Favourite Podcasts

Podcasts are pretentious 🖕

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