About Me
Hi. We are a couple new to Townsville interested in a polyamorous relationship with a woman of similar age and interests to our own. We run a small business. We have been Married for nearly a year now and we have a son who is nearly 3 months old. We are looking for someone to come into our lives as a permanent partner in life and crime hehe. We are interested in books, video games, rpg and board games, and basically every other nerdy thing you can list. We are both 23 at the moment and are looking for someone about our age too. My wife has never done anything with a girl however she is interested however baby steps would be best at first. If you think you'd fit into our lives please send us a message :) can't wait to find our special someone!!!
My Kind of Partner
We are looking for someone roughly 20-24 interested in all things NERDY to spend our live s with in an extended relationship :)
Favourite Movies
The Lord of The Rings, Big Hero 6, Limitless
Favourite Music
Owl City, Good Charlotte, Fall Out Boy, Hilltop Hoods, The Offspring
Favourite TV Shows
Game Of Thrones, The Last Airbender, Broadchurch, Dr. Who, One Piece
Favourite Books
Harry Potter, Matthew Reilly, Tolkien, Brent Weeks
Favourite Food
Pizza (him), Chocolate Milk (her), Chinese, steak and veggies
Favourite Sports
Favourite Hobbies, Games
Games, rpgs, board games, yugioh, pool, singing like noones listening
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