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56yo Female & 56yo Male

Launceston, TAS, AU, Australia

Private Album - 8 Photos

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About Me

Fun couple aged well live on Gold Coast Visiting Hobart and Launceston for a weekend love to hook up with a nice couple for some fun arrive in Hobart 23rd August .looking for like minded couple we can host at our us your Tassie hospitality 😜

My Kind of Partner

See earlier comments please no time wasters . We’re coming for the footy and a bit of genuine fun time with a friendly clean discreet respectable couple . Age is no barrier. We’re no super models but we’ve aged well.

Favourite Music

80’s and 90’s and really loved ng country music at the moment.

Favourite Food

Indian, Italian or Greek.

Favourite Sports

AFL Hawks for him and Roos for her

Favourite Hobbies, Games

We love travelling especially without caravan.

love the water and of course adult games.

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