Number 1
I cant promis you will like this or that I will continue if you did enjoy :) I want to tell you about the people ive met in my life so far from dealers that are now 10 yr solid best mates, to still not being able to keep my mind off a certain lady of the night which is where I start lets call her Venom lol now the first time I went to see her we ended up off our chops and had to this day and every time with her the best sex either she or I have had. It will never be more than that i know so does Venom but we cant deny the sheer magnetism when we are close. If you saw her you would know what I mean and stunning stacked and perfectly packed Burmese girl 24yrs old and stop there I only payed her once in 3 years she refuses or comes to me. Trouble she has with current bfs going to jail etc....she is too good for that life and trained in medicine but wont stop....any thoughts as to why? Please let me know your ideas :)
PS hope its not complete shit
so Venom has been emailing and texting me for a catch up, I am coutious and reply to her but never in time to organise a meet lol I feel good and sad at the same time. Meanwhile one of my closest mates has been throughout he hedges with his ex who like mine used his son there child and absolute blessing :) as emotional leverage to gain her own way with things also to extort money and before you say it we are the good dads he and I would stop at nothing for our boys and are there with them at any cost being a dad, just don't know why some not all women do that....thoughts?
Rossmoyne, WA, AU
Hey Purrrzactly thanks for your words :) true that looks and figure etc fades but it's a big bonus if your sex partner has a sexy mind and a sexy body....don't you think? And it's not a drug fuelled relationship it's how it began but escalated to a higher level I haven't done drugs since then...