Chatroom at 9pm daily?

08 Aug, 22 - 2 Comments.


Just putting this out there as a suggestion. As I am sure most of us visit the chatroom at different times during the day to find no one else in.

Would users be more likely to chat if there was a specific time to do so?

I have suggested 9pm to kick off, and stay as long as you feel you would like to. Gave this a 'trial' last night and the numbers were a lot higher that usual.

I know it's difficult to sometimes to get to chat, and when we are there, we can be met with silence or not enough of the opposite sex. Persistence is key and I'm sure you can find someone suitable to chat to eventually.

As I say, this is only a suggestion and in no way am I the host lol.

To make this work, we all have to make an effort.

Cheers people ☺️

  • (Private Profile) - 15 Aug, 22

    Thanks Stuck, this is working really well, new chatters mixing with regulars, making new friends. Plenty of positive comments, keep it going!


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