Tell the truth
I read people's profile and send them a message becuase they say their opened minded and have a good sense of humour and want to play blah blah blah , but then these people can't respond with a thanks but no thanks reply or just to chat about open honest issues that are intamite and personal in our relationships . Why even bother joining if you can't be honest here
(User Inactive) - 30 Apr, 16
-Or maybe some of us are working long hours and don't always have the chance to logon every day!
I also think if people read your profile it'll specify age city etc, some people don't take notice of that and message anyway.
We are still waiting for our for membership to be updated so that we can contact people back as newbies we still waking for our upgrade to kick in.
al70 - 29 Apr, 16
Alexandra, QLD, AUwell said streaker,this site is full of such people.good manners cost nothing, it only takes a couple of seconds to send a thanks but no thanks, if that's the way you feel. and if you don't want to attract people who are into swapping pics don't put you're dirty pics on you're profile, some of my friends with whom I swap pics, don't even have a profile pic lett alone a nudity label. some people on here are akin to a person who goes out for drinks and sits in a smoking area and whines about the smoke. if you don't want to talk dirty or swap pics or hook up, bugger off to E harmony and stop waiting you're time and mine.
1 Comment - 1 Blog Post
(Private Profile) - 16 Apr, 16
-I think you also have to take into consideration, who're sending a message too, think of age and location. And I also think asking someone to see their private photos straight off the bat. Is rude and can be very annoying to most women on here.
I would love to see a change to profiles where you can have private photos but they can't be seen on your profile, such as the photo with nudity labelled on it. Would be nice to just be able to chat to someone and than work out if they're right for you and if u wish than share.
I continually get messages from people I've never spoken too and the first thing they ask for: can i see your private pictures, most of the time i don't answer. I have been blocking people who do this and i also send a response back saying no, sorry "ACCESS DENIED"!This is about getting to know people, not asking to see private pictures, especially when the other person asking for them doesn't fit the category they're searching for, age, location or personal preference as well as: the other person having no photos at all or no private pictures of there own.
Just be mindful that not everyone here is or may be interested in you. Instead of keep sending the same message, requesting to see photos, move on.
(Private Profile) - 15 Apr, 16
-Hi Streaker,
I agree it can be frustrating not getting replies, it is however common place in dating sites.
There are legitimate reasons once you hear all points of view. This topic has been revisited several times in this forum, so you're not alone.
Some members choose to filter their inbound messages, so they never see what you send them.
Some members are just no longer active, so effectively the recipient doesn´t exist anymore.
But perhaps the most common reason why you don´t get a reply is because the recipient is just not interested, they're busy, and don't want confrontations with people who doesn´t take no for an answer.
Enjoy the ride!
So so true being kind costs nothing shonna