Young at Heart
If Heff at 85yrs can pull a hot Babe ,there is still a chance for us older guys.
(Private Profile) - 04 Dec, 12
-Definitely agree and of course George clooney is getting there as well and he is still yumo
(Private Profile) - 03 Dec, 12
-I'm sure some would want him for his experience too
85 is not for me, regardless of how amazing the promise of the experience, or the money or anything else
(Private Profile) - 04 Dec, 12
-I'm with you corsetfun... he could have all the money in the world and I would not touch him with a barge pole!!!
(Private Profile) - 03 Dec, 12
-Heff has is a big pull for some women
Indeedy nothing wrong at all with an older men
nux (FF Host) - 03 Dec, 12
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUExactly Diva. Anyone worth hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions) can afford to have several beautiful young hotties. They are essentially high priced hookers, but Heff doesn't care, it's not like he cant afford them.
756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 03 Dec, 12
-Nothing wrong with an older guy. Look at Sean Connery and Harrison Ford. Grrrrr!
(Private Profile) - 03 Dec, 12
-If I was 85 yo multimillionaire, I guess I wouldn't care either. Now I just gotta start working on becoming a billionaire genius playboy... Ways to go /sigh.
I look like George Clooney.. you just gota sqwint the eyes and have a good imagination.. :)
Well hello and here i am spending all this time talking to JB lol