05 Apr, 13
Would it be great if mobile phones had a self timer and a flash built in to the phone???
(Private Profile) - 06 Apr, 13
-If you want a flash and timer, just get a camera! The primary purpose of a phone is to make and receive phone calls, right? Having a camera built into it is something extra. Would you buy a phone just because it has better photo capabilities? I wouldn't!
(Private Profile) - 06 Apr, 13
Surely you are not suggesting we only use phones as..... phones?? OMG woman, are you serious? ;P
(Private Profile) - 05 Apr, 13
-Theres probably an app for the self timer most likely if you have an Android or Apple Phone. Most newer Phones have an LED flash aswell. Hardest thing is getting it to stand unpright.
I would but I'm strange like that- phones have the benefit of being able to send your photos online right away. And this is from a camera nerd! ;p