The Bucket List

22 Mar, 09 - 12 Comments.

Ok maybe a more sombre topic for my blog today. I received an email yesterday, you know the type, the forward. I usually have a quick glance then hit delete without a second thought, I never send them on despite receiving so many. This one I did read, mostly because it came from one of my closest friends who is currently with her family on secondment in Delhi and I haven't seen them in a year. She also tends to only send interesting or poignant subject matters. I will insert the contents below. It may have passed through your inbox already, given the rate these emails spread the world like wildfire. I found it beautiful, its authenticity maybe true or not, I don't know. I have read it several times. The friend who sent it to me has lost 3 of 9 siblings and her father. In recent years I have lost one of my dearest friends, a much loved neighbour and a couple of others. I seem to be attending friend's parent's funerals every few months which is pretty much expected at this stage in my life. With all these events as well as a fairly major personal health issue a couple of years ago I was inspired by the movie 'The Bucket List' to write and pursue my own list. If you haven't seen the movie, two old guys find themselves in adjoining hospital beds both with the news that they only have months to live. They then proceed to write a list of things they want to do before they kick the bucket and begin marking them off. My number 1 was to take my kids to Disneyland which we did last year. No 2 was to see the Grand Canyon which was easily incorporated with list item number 1. No 3 was to contact and reconcile with a friend I had become estranged with, No 4 was to swim with dolphins, my boys and I did this earlier this year, truly amazing experience. No 5 was to tell my ex BF I still loved him after 12 months of breaking up. More items on the list still to cover but you get the jist of it. Just curious, has anyone else ever pondered or been faced with their own mortality? Would you rather know your prognosis or get hit by the proverbial bus? Do you have a 'To Do' list or if not what would be on it? Love to read your comments.
This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done,
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say, 'Hi.'
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift ....
Thrown away.

  • (Private Profile) - 23 Mar, 09

    Re: "we girls seem to be the only ones (so far) faced with the life and death thing".....I know there's countless guys out there who've definately been there, but they choose to deal with it by implementing the "harden the phuck up" attitude. Us girls however, embrace the situation in our own sensitive female ways, we cry, we whinge to our girlfriends, we come to terms with it and at the end of it all, we become stronger. Maybe more guys need to adopt some femininity ;)

    p.s beast between the gotta try it, sure beats sex with a mere mortal any day!!! lol


  • nux (FF Host) - 23 Mar, 09
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Firstly, i'm going to comment on the poem - BEAUTIFUL !
    I think the message there is also that the simple things in life are fulfilling. I find the line: "Ever told your child,
    We'll do it tomorrow?
    And in your haste,
    Not see his sorrow?" especially touching... i absolutely adore my kids, and my life is dedicated to making sure they have a happy life, and a safe life. If they are happy and safe, then i am happy. There's nothing like the love of a child, it's the most powerful love of all - in my opinion.
    Slow down, don't worry about superficial things, breathe the air, really feel the appreciation of life itself.
    I'm a very simple man with very simple needs. If i ever feel a little down, or stressed, i go for a ride over to Byron Bay, go up to the lighthouse and breathe the air and appreciate where i am.
    Sure, there's a few "material" things i'd enjoy - some day i'd love to own a 57 Chevvy, and a nice cruise bike - a Hog. Those things would be nice, but not important.
    I guess as far as materialistic things go, my definition of complete bliss would be to be on a nice big comfortable boat and live on it with my kids cruising the Barrier Reef, living on seafood......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! I've been to the Barrier Reef a few times and it really is incredible.
    Ok, back to reality.
    My bucket list: Have my kids love me as much as i love them, and make sure they know i've lead a happy life, so no need for mourning :)


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 23 Mar, 09

      Hey Nux, It is lovely huh, Ive printed it out for my desk. My eyes well up on those lines too. When Im gone I want my kids to remember me for sitting on the floor and playing lego with them, not for how clean the floor was. Its not on my list but should one miraculously appear in my drive, I wouldn't pass up a 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible, red with white leather interior, and the beautiful throaty blub blub blub of a Ford V8. Absolutely no crying at the funeral, Green Days Time of Your Life playing and Tequila shots all round.


  • (Private Profile) - 23 Mar, 09

    I have faced mortality too on a couple of occassions. It was those experiences that moulded me into the "prude" I am today. And yeah, alot of people would say I'm foolish to let those experiences stop me from really enjoying life but you know what? I'm living an exciting life....I became a member of a pistol club - fired .45 magnums (wow!), I go deep sea fishing and hand feed sharks that swim up to the boat, I ride a powerful sports bike, I have got myself inked twice, I've got amazing friends who share their amazing lifestyles with me (60ft boat on sydney harbour, NYE 08!!) but the best part of my life would have to be my patients. Nothing beats sitting down with the old folk and listening to their stories...and then holding their hand as they peacefully pass away with a smile on their face. In my opinion, I don't think we should wait until we're faced with mortality to create a bucket list....just live it :)


    • (Private Profile) - 23 Mar, 09

      Hey Hells, thanks for the input. Sounds to me like you are enjoying life, magnums, hand feeding sharks, not to mention the beast between your thighs :P This powerful weapon thing seems to be a common theme between the ladies, I def have to try that one, its officially on my list! Give those guys a gunz show run for their money!! I have also held a hand during a passing, was my beloved granny who had such a big influence on my life and who I can thank for so many wonderful teachings. Its interesting that we girls seem to be the only ones (so far) faced with the life and death thing, or is it just that we are more accepting? Boy did it change my life, my outlook and where I am heading. But I agree, dont wait for the wake up call, get out and do it, dont die wondering or with regret.


  • (Private Profile) - 23 Mar, 09

    Well you know my views on diving diver! Unfortunately wont be joining you on those but can imagine how awesome all that would be. If I do ever overcome my fear of the deep blue and it does make it to my list its gotta be the very last item cause with my luck, it probably would be!


  • (Private Profile) - 23 Mar, 09

    Thanks canned, hopefully it never comes to that, used to love chicory essence myself!


  • (Private Profile) - 22 Mar, 09

    Hey Rach, thanks for your input. Some awesome items on your list.... drive a truck, sky diving, shoot high powered guns (might have to add that one to mine) Scuba was kind of one of mine too but I tried one of those demo's in a pool one time and totally freaked out, claustrophobia


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