30 May, 09 - 3 Comments.

Ok, following on with my cheery little story :)
I wasn't accepted to the clinical trial of radio vs chemo...absolutely stupid reason but I won't bore you with the details. I was informed this decision Monday a week ago and told I would be starting radiotherapy in a couple of weeks. Ok a bit sooner than I had expected but a couple of weeks at least to prepare and get things at work and home up to date. Then Tuesday I get another call telling me I had to start the radio the next day! One day warning...terrific. I tried to put it off but was informed I was priority and waiting just wasn't acceptable. So, went along for first session which was ok if not a bit confronting. I had done all the prep work a few weeks earlier which involved having a Hannibal type mask made up so as to keep me still during the treatments. The treatment period is every day, Monday to Friday for 6 weeks and takes around 5-7 minutes. I had been told to expect hair loss in the treatment regions, fatigue, nausea and possible headaches. I was fine for the first 3 days although a little tired on the weekend. By the time Monday came I was exhausted, I skipped work and slept the whole day, same again Tuesday and Wednesday. I was also getting horrible headaches similar to the migraines I had been experiencing for the last few months, also, a horrible burning feeling in my head and behind my eyes. I could literally feel my brain frying in the areas of the treatment. A review with the radio oncologist at the end of the week and was prescribed steroids which would reduce the swelling and headaches and they did immediately. Although side effects of the steroids are likely an increase in appetite, trouble sleeping and fluid retention. So great, now I will puff up like a blowfish just to add to my holey head, attractive! We also discussed other side effects I might experience, weakness in my thighs, blocked ears and sight issues. I told him these were symptoms I had been experiencing for a few months before the treatment anyway and that I had told my oncologists this many times. He said they would be due to the tumour and its growth, something my oncologists had failed to mention and had just looked at me with blank looks whenever I brought it up. Frustrated with contradictions and doctors to say the least! Well, the headaches are sorted thanks to the steroids, Im eating everything in sight but still sleeping a lot. Ive told both my jobs I won't be back for the duration of my treatment and for couple of weeks after, I had hoped to keep working but stuff it, I need rest. I've always been conscientious and put myself out continuously for employers but its time to look after me....Number 1 priority for possibly the first time in my life! Kids next, in the 50/50 arrangement I have with their dad which I hope to continue during this period. I don't feel like going out much at all so friends and family are making times to call in and see me and offering to bring meals etc. Cleaning lady has the housework sorted, so I will be literally sitting on my ever increasing bum watching movies and listening to my favourite tunes. Exercise has pretty much gone by the wayside for the last couple of months due to the collapses I had had. This is a bit tough as I have always been fit, active and competitive. Oh well, flabby arse, thighs and bingo wings here I come.
So as far as what Ive been looking for on here, possible fuck buddy, any takers? Such an appealing lot to offer on my part huh? LMFAO! Nah... just happy to chat with my mates here and keep up the laughs, what else is a girl to do?

  • (Private Profile) - 31 May, 09

    thanks gals for the support, how lucky am i to have joined this site and made all these great online mates... oh and if i go quiet in chat sometimes, im either catching 40 winks or have my face in the fridge :)


  • (Private Profile) - 30 May, 09

    Most doctors are ignorant sacks of medical waste. Keep up your awesome battle babe and remember...you have an army of support here for you. Complete with gunz! xoxoxoxo


  • (User Inactive) - 30 May, 09

    Dear Sass...I know I am not in your friend network...but you have always showed kindness to me in the chat room.....you are very brave telling us all these very intimate details of your life..I am sure I am not alone in offering you any support you need during your fight....that you WILL win.......big hugs.......


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