New project:
One of my key objectives with FlingFinder is to keep the scammers out. They truly are low-lifes (sp?) and I utterly despise them.
"But", I hear you say, "they are poor starving people just trying to feed their families". Bullshit. They're organised gangs who feed off sadness and misery, praying on lonely people in order to steal their life savings. Emotional vampires. Pigs. Actually I like pigs, so strike that last one.
So I got out of the wrong side of bed this morning.
Point is, a good percentage of FF sign-ups are actually predators like this. We have some good anti-scammer systems in place, but it seemed like a waste to just throw out the content these thieves so generously provide.
So I made this: - a showcase of stupidity and amorality. A collection of the idiots who tried to steal your money. This is where the FlingFinder scammers end up when we deny them entry.
Ultimately I hope it will be a resource to help people verify that the person they are chatting with is real, whatever dating site they're on, but for now it's good for a laugh.
hardQLDguy - 11 Aug, 08
Bowen, QLD, AUi love the fact that the admin's are activly filtering the " predators" from the site, and i've seen first hand on other sites how predatory scammer's are EVERYWHERE, you reply to an add, they reply back you think they are in australia but pretty soon you realise they are fake, you just have to be on your toes so to speak when conversing with stranger's over the internet, they will talk to you for days and even week's to try to build a virtual relationship and then slowly try to pick your pocket..haha, im too darn smart for those faker's, they have tried..believe me.. but i easily see through that rubbish.
awsome site OOD. top job.
11 Comments - 1 Blog Post -
(Private Profile) - 24 Jul, 08
-gday oodlum...thanx for letting us become members...but our question is...where are the bi females out there?????...we have been members for a few weeks now and have only 4 thats right 4 looks at our profile....i gather that this is a new site and needs the word spread around about this awesome free website...ill tell everyone i know if the females come knockin on my good job for a great site m8...buck
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU
This is great evidence of why numbers on this site are not as high as some others, it's because the junk is filtered out. Sure, some sites have more pretty pictures to look at, but at the end of the day, i'd rather be interacting with REAL people, building REAL friendships. Other site can have the crap, they obviously have no morals. Top job Ood, this site will stand above the rest, it'll just take a little time for people to realise what they get here. Cheers, nUx.