Help me name a new feature
I'm going to add a new album option for when you want to upload personal photos that aren't of yourself. e.g. it might be your car, pet, artwork, photography etc... pics that aren't of you, but help describe you.
They will be separate from your main albums.
So, any ideas what I should call the album? We'll have:
- Public Album
- Private Album
- ??????
I'd love to hear your ideas.
(Private Profile) - 02 Jul, 10
-Maybe your name then "lifestyle" eg "Phatbastards Lifestyle" if that is possible or "My Lifestyle"
(Private Profile) - 24 Jun, 10
-Since the intention is to show or reveal another part of our lives, other than what is already here, the words that came to mind were; Frames, Showcase, Snapshots, Snippets...or maybe Chest, My Chest, My Vault..
(Private Profile) - 23 Jun, 10
-Pics of the things close to you or just stuff you like could be called "Personal Album" if we were to stick with the "P" word.
(Private Profile) - 22 Jun, 10
-"Personal Album", seems like the logic option. They would be photos of your personal life so.... go figure? :P
motorX - 22 Jun, 10
Broken Head, NSW, AUCall it “Unrelated images of other thing that are not me” just kidding, how about ”Happy Snaps“ and then as previously mentioned allow the user to name each catagory... eg Happy snaps > my car - Happy snaps > my Aircraft carrier - Happy snaps > my Planet
3 Comments - 0 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 22 Jun, 10
-Nux said what I was going to suggest call it 'About me' because that is what it is 'About me and My life' that is all I can come up with!!!
(Private Profile) - 22 Jun, 10
-how about some thing simple like MY PHOTO ALBUM or THE PHOTO ALBUM and it also keeps it in line with other albums!
(Private Profile) - 22 Jun, 10
-the my scrapbook is good or could go with something like "the bits of me your yet to see" i know its a bit long but it could be taken two ways and id say let the public / privet be a selection when uploading the pic or whatever
Tonz - 22 Jun, 10
Edge Hill, QLD, AUnothing too precise, how bout: 'Stuff'
throw in a ýarrr too. Yarr me earties! Swab the deck!
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(Private Profile) - 21 Jun, 10
-"My Scrapbook" getsmy vote, or maybe "Personal Gallery" if we do keep with th "P" theme
(Private Profile) - 21 Jun, 10
-how about something simple and actually calling it " My Photo Album or Photo Album "
Casualfun - 21 Jun, 10
Menai, NSW, AUMy scrapbook sounds great , as it covers such A variety of items.
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(User Inactive) - 21 Jun, 10
-how about Pandora’s Box ;) opening up the mystery’s to people...???? HMMMMMMM lol
whyallacple - 21 Jun, 10
Whyalla Stuart, SA, AUor my treasures arggghhh me hearties
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whyallacple - 21 Jun, 10
Whyalla Stuart, SA, AUgood idea how about my lifestyle
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(Private Profile) - 21 Jun, 10
-how about
other stuff?
my stuff?
stuff i like?
my life?
a bit about me or us?
under the sunglasses?
out side the sheets?
(Private Profile) - 21 Jun, 10
-The only P word I can think of that might be of any use here is PHOTOBUCKET.....
anyone like that idea?-
nux (FF Host) - 21 Jun, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUThere might be copyright issues there :-l
756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
nux (FF Host) - 21 Jun, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUjust "About Me"... that covers your pets, your cars, your bikes, your art.... you're everything - except your kids... which of course is innpropriate on an adult site no matter which way you slice it.
756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 21 Jun, 10
-Yeah they can't be main photos. Awesome suggestions coming through... keep it up!
nux (FF Host) - 21 Jun, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUKeeping with the "P" names for albums, how about "Personal" ?
You'd have to make it so members don't have photo's of their car, or dog or whatever as their main photo though.756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 21 Jun, 10
-Scrapbook or My Life
To second Krsyp would be great if you could name it yourself.
That way it can be my artwork.. or my cars.. or my...errrr
you get 'my idea'. hahaha
i am to funny
hardQLDguy - 21 Jun, 10
Bowen, QLD, AUumm..
my funbook?
my happysnaps?
my flipbook?
11 Comments - 1 Blog Post
(User Inactive) - 26 Jun, 10
-If the best is 'My Scrapbook', you have a long way to go - what about 'Quirk Album' we all have those weird and interesting quirky things we love that we don't really want others to know about . . . how about 'Attitude Album' or 'Skeleton Closet' ??
Glen Waverley, VIC, AU
I luv it sounds
sexy babe