Words to live by...
Laugh when you can... Apologize when you should... And let go of what you can't change... Love deeply and forgive quickly... Take chances and give your everything... Life is too short to be anything but happy... You have to take the good with the bad... Love what you have... Always remember what you had... Forgive... but don't forget.. and always remember.. that life goes on.
I didn't write these words, but i think they are very wise words and it's pretty much they way i try to live my life.
(Private Profile) - 19 May, 11
-Nice one Nux. My favourite is the Serenity Prayer;
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. -
(Private Profile) - 19 May, 11
-Actually this brings to mind the words of 'Desiderata' written by Max Ehrlmann. I might blog it. :)
Very wise words indeed Nux. It doesn't matter if you wrote them or not but you shared them with us and thank you for that!!!