Wireless Broadband - Cheaper? More Convenient?
Why do people sign up for wireless internet?
I think in most cases it's because they think its cheaper and more convenient than ADSL.
I'd just like to weigh a couple of things up though.
CHEAPER? I've done a little bit of shopping to find the cheapest wireless deal, and it seems the going rate is about $50 a month for 5gb on no fixed contract. To be elligible for no contract, you first have to buy a modem, which is roughly $100. Did you know that on ANY wireless connection, uploads AS WELL as downloads get taken off your monthly data limit? So say you're in chat with your webcam broadcasting, that is uploading data which comes off your data limit. If you have 2 people viewing you, you are sending double the data which is coming off your limit, 3 viewers, triple the data, and so on. Not to mention watching cams, add that and it doesnt take long to eat up your 5gb of data, and next thing you know you're paying for a "top up" of data, and it can become VERY expensive. I know some wireless users end up with bills of well over $100 - $200 a month, somtimes even double that ! - not CHEAPER at all.
Compare that to an ADSL plan: Ok you need a phone line in your house, if you dont already have oneyou are looking at $59 to get an existing line reconnected, or $125 if the line needs to be reinstalled or $299 to get a complete new line installed - that will be your biggest cost. I've been with about 10 different ISP's and have found Westnet to be the best by far. There might be cheaper out there if you shop around, but westnets customer service is second to none, and they are all aussies - no language barrier. You can get a plan on westnet ADSL1 for $80 a month which INCLUDES phone line rental and 40gb data a month, and remember, ADSL dont count uploads (except telstra, they do coz they are theives). That price is for a decent speed (1500kb/sec) connection too, not the slowest - slowest is 256kb/sec - dialup is 56kb/sec. Of course they do have cheaper options with less data, but i for one like to enjoy my time on the net rather than worry if i'm using too much data - hence why my plan incluses 80gb a month at super fast 8mb/sec speeds for $109 a month which includes phone line.
CONVENIENT? Wireless internet is a signal transmitted through the air, rather than a signal that is transmitted directly through a cable, like ADSL. So, if the air between your signal tower and your computer is disrupted, what do you think happens? Your internet connection is lost, easy to understand, right? Thats why we see so many people dropping out of chat, because chat platforms require a constant connection to recieve the streaming data. If there's too many users trying to get a signal from the same tower, there's going to be problems. Think of it like a raod leading to one building and thousands of cars trying to use the same road - the result is a log jam - which results in lag and eventually more drop outs.
So, you can chose to put up with a connection that you have to be very limited with what you do on the net for it to be cheaper, and put up with constant drop outs and lag - OR you can switch to ADSL which will give you a hell of a lot more data so you dont have to worry about how much data you are using, AND have a much more stable connection - far less drop outs and lag. In most cases ADSL will be far cheaper than wireless anyway, especially if ADSL2 is available in your area, the monthly pries are even cheaper than those i've mentioned above, and come with even more data (eg: $90 for 100gb - line included)
I guess it comes down to how much you want to enjoy your time on the net, if you can be bothered making the enquiries to switch to ADSL or whether you're happy to suffer lag, disconnections, excess data bills, or being carefull not to watch too many cams or dont use your own cam just because you dont want to exceeed your data limit.
Something to think about.
http://whirlpool.net.au/ is a great place to go to see what is available to you, compare plans etc. But remember to ask heaps of questions when talking to an ISP, like do you charge uploads aswell as downloads? when is customer support line open? do you have P2P throttling? (for movie downloaders) etc etc etc... as mentioned before, i can highly reccomend westnet or iinet (same company), their customer service is excellent, if you have any problems just call, they will always help. Tell them user: barnzii refered you :)
(no i'm not on their payroll)
Happy surfing !
Oh, one last thing i forgot to mention, if there's more thanone computer in your house, you canshare an ADSL connection and share the cost. Just get a modem router, or even a wireless modem router so you can recieve the signal anywhere in your house. That wireless signal wont be as bad because there wont be thousands of users trying to access it. Add a password so your neighbours cant access your wireless network.
nux (FF Host) - 15 Mar, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUYou can get a good wireless modem/router for around $100. So you can just plug the phone line into the modem/router and use your laptop wirelessly around the house, so you dont need to have a cable plugged in to the modem. Your parents can still recieve and make phone calls.
756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
nux (FF Host) - 15 Mar, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUDo your parents have a home phone? if so, just borrow their line - it wont cost them anything. Westnet can switch them from telstra or whatever provider they arewith now without anyone having to do anything. They will just get their phone bill from westnet instead of telstra. Westnets phone rates are as good if not better than telstra anyway, infact almost every other provider is cheaper than westnet. Of course you dont HAVE to switch your phone line over to still be able to get westnet ADSL, but if you do, you get more data. You can check all plans available to you on the site listed in the post, but seriously, switching to ADSL would be a lot cheaper for you. You've had bills in excess of $300? geez, for ONE bill you could get set up and about 3 months worth of ADSL with a shitload more data alowance. As for travel, i take it you have a laptop - if its a reasonably new laptop it will probably have a built in wireless network card, and there's a lot of "wireless hotspots" where you can use free internet - even my local pub has free wireless. Most hotels have free internet these days too.
There's far cheaper alternatives than $300 a month, thats for sure !756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 15 Mar, 10
-Having switched from wireless to ADSL, I cannot beleive why i got sucked into wireless in the first place. I have had no problems with my ADSL,(cept with my provider) but lets not open that old wound, so if your wanting an opinion between the both, go ADSL all the way.
I must admit, the advice you gave me not too long ago, to switch from wireless to ADSL,has been the best advice I've ever taken. I used to pay $85 for 12G a month, but that included uploads, so halfway through the month I'd run out and start getting charged $100 per extra Gig. I have never paid less than $400 on internet a month.
After our little chat, I did some research and found a company (TPG) that charges $50 per month for 120G. I did not have to pay any set-up fees, and no one had to come and install it. The only thing I actually paid for was a wireless modem because I have a laptop and would like to take it with me around my house.
I suggest if you are living in Sydney and would like the best deal out there, TPG is the best company that I have come across so far.
Thanks again Nux for your good advice!!
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU
Wow, nice saving ! Yes, TPG are a cheap provier for sure, i've never used them before, and i'm never likely too - only because i'm very happy with westnet, especially their customer service. I'm pleased to hear you took the initiative and went shopping, its saved you a fortune !