My Daughters boyfriends band - Update...

12 Jul, 12 - 1 Comment.

So a month ago i posted a blog about my Daughter dating the drummer in a screamo/metal band and mentioned that it was every fathers dream - with tongue planted firmly in my cheek.

Well, today they announced that they have signed to a major record label for the genre. They will be releasing their debut album on August 30 in stores, and digitally on iTunes etc about a week after that.

Here's the promo for their album:

And here's one of their songs, you might need to be a fan of the genre to enjoy it though.

Their first single will be released and posted on Youtube next Thursday, the 19th July.

  • (Private Profile) - 14 Jul, 12

    Pumpy, thumpy tune. Didn't mind it. Just couldn't understand a word they sang. Must have something to do with the age of my ears lol.


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