Internet Overdose....
This is gold.
Funny bugga's !
Opens in a new window, so just close it when you've viewed it.
nux (FF Host) - 27 May, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUi did delete the half posts.... or does that only delete them on my screen?
756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
nux (FF Host) - 27 May, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AULOL Rach, having a few probs there huh? For some reason links don't work in blog replies... i've tried to raise this issue before but i guess there's nothing that can be done about it... either that or there's a reason why they don't fix it.. dunno. Want me to delete those failed attempts?
Yes, their other clips are hilarious also, the one about the taco bell drive thru is a beauty, so is the facebook song.756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
nux (FF Host) - 27 May, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUOh man, is it serious? will you let me know in 140 words or less?" LOL !
I like the idea of a full time password guy.756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
A sexy password guy thats what I need. lol