Food for thought...

Updated 28 Apr, 10 - 2 Comments.

FlingFinder has a lot of success stories but I hear a few negative comments occasionally from less successful members.

Remember that the people here are REAL - not fake, and most REAL people take a little convincing to get to the next level .... for me personally the "chase" was all part of the fun in hooking up - it just requires a little effort which again, is fun !

Send people messages and invite them into the chatroom where you can get to know eachother better. CLICK HERE for more tips on how to "improve your odds in the online dating game" from the site owner.

I've suggested this before, but i'll suggest it again... use the site as kind of a pick-up line when you're out and about. See a cute girl/guy, and ask them if they've heard of they sign up - great. It's a fact that people can say exactly what we're looking for far easier in text. Even if they don't sign up, at least you've broken the ice :)

Food for thought.


  • (Private Profile) - 30 Apr, 10

    For me the chase is half the fun, I already have a husband that make no effort why would i want a lover or fuck buddy whos the same.


  • nux (FF Host) - 28 Apr, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Sorry Kristy, i didn't mean for my post to sound confronting, i was just making suggestions. I've edited the part that could have been taken the wrong way.


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