FlingFinder 2.0 !
Ladies and Gents,
i have just had the privilege of seeing a preview of the upcoming FF 2.0 which will be launched in the near future.
While i have been sworn to secrecy and cant reveal all the cool things it does - what i can say is, its amazing!
Not only the new look, but the new functionality too !
I'm sure you will all be blown away when you see it. I can't wait for it to be launched ... which shouldn't be long now, Ood is just putting some final polish on a few things then it will be built, tested, then launched.
Exciting times for us members :)
(Private Profile) - 30 Apr, 12
-oods, well, this may be of interest to you and the other members, i have actually been chatting with my iPad… the way to get around it, be it slightly slow, is to use a great app I helped develop (big team of us) its called iSwifter… Its a citrix type thin client web browser for the iPad.. you fire it up, type in the URL of a flashed based website and it actually runs the website on a server farm, but you see the client window… and can control it.. Its locked down, so nobody else can see your sessions.. the feed is encrypted.. so its totally private.. it was developed to play flash games from facebook on your ipad, but we extended the functionality… Ive been using it for a while on Flingfinder chat, its usable…. (the ipad keyboard gets in the way a bit, but its still usable…)
(Private Profile) - 30 Apr, 12
-Nice! I'm going to have to link to that app when it detects an iPad.
(Private Profile) - 30 Apr, 12
-God hope the chat isnt flash based… I so want to be able to chat on my iDevices…I am praying to the HTML 5.0 gods now… or use the current 4.01 CSS/javascript style…hmmm..
(Private Profile) - 30 Apr, 12
-The chat is 3rd-party. I'd love to do an HTML 5-based one, but you still couldn't access the camera. The only solution I can see is to write a new one from scratch, still Flash-based but sharing a feed with an iPhone/Android app. Big undertaking - one for the to-do list.
nux (FF Host) - 30 Apr, 12
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUI so can't wait for you all to see it... i mean i knew it was going to be good, but man, it blew me away!
Now i'm like a kid who knows what he's getting for Xmas but cant have it yet :-l756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts-
(Private Profile) - 30 Apr, 12
-Haha! Suck shit for cheating at this game and having a peek! We're a little excited too thou...
What? not even a screen shot?? ;)
Keen as mustard team....