Can Friends Be Lovers?
Just thought i'd bump this discussion back up and see if those that didn't see it the first time round have anything to add to the topic :)
Such an age old question, and such an opinionated topic, so i thought i'd see if we can start a bit of a discussion about it.
Some time ago i was was on the side of the majority and found it hard to believe that friends can be lovers... and that when friends have sex together, it always ends in a ruined friendship - you see it all the time on movies !
Then i met a girl who was much younger than me, and she was studying psychology... she had a fantastic mind (among other things). Anyway, she opened my mind to the possibility that friends can definately be lovers, and the only reason a lot of people think differently is because they've never really thought about why it "can't" happen. Why can't it be so? because society says its wrong, thats why. Our minds have been conditioned to believe things, and we just accept it. So, i opened my mind to the possibility. This girl and I became lovers first, but agreed that we'd just be lovers and friends, because circumstances realistically wouldnt allow for anything longer term. I was older, she was in another state, i had a family already, she was going to uni - the list goes on.... but why should that stop us from enjoying eachother? We agreed to be "friends with benefits" until either of us meets that special someone and enter a relationship. We hooked up a few times, and then i entered a relationship, and so the sex stopped - but the friendship continued.. i even went to her wedding recently :)
Since then i've really opened my eyes, and mind to the ways of the world, and never rule anything out... boy its amazing how much you learn when you open your mind !
One chapter in my life i met up with 2 girls in the ultimate male fantasy, a 3some. Here's 2 girls in a relationship with eachother, wanting a man to come into bed with them for some fun, and they wont get jealous ! I asked them how ... they said well, we love eachother very deeply, but we also enjoy sex - a lot. So we can have sex and treat as just that, FUN, and we can still love eachother.
Thats what really shifted my mind into overdrive.... wow, how bloody true is that!?! Sex IS fun, i think we'll all agree with that. When you are with someone you love, you like to share fun times, right? So, why not share sex? its fun! Answer: Because society says its wrong, so we dont entertain the idea. I say Fuck society, i am my own person, and if i want to share fun times with my partner, why can't i? (if she agrees, which she does) The only problem with it is the person(s) you are sharing the fun with have to be on the same page - otherwise hearts might get broken. But if everyone is open and honest with eachother straight from the word go, then everyone knows where they stand, and hearts cant be broken - just like the young girl in my first story did, she layed it straight out for me, nothing long term, just fun - got it.
New years eve 07/08 i had the flu, so i stayed home but told my partner to go ahead and go out, have some fun ! After midnight she came home with a girlfriend, i came out and had a bit of a chat with them and then went back to bed - i'd polished off a bottle of Jamacian rum (for the flu ;) and they were planning on staying up all night. Anyway, some time after that, like months later, i don't know how the topic came up but we were talking about swingers, and how people share partners etc... she was telling me how her last boyfriend used to be into that - but he would just bonk total strangers, and she didnt like that. However, she told me that she'd agree to some extra spice in the relationship with people we like as friends who we know wont want to break us up or get jealous. She went on to tell me that on that new years eve, her friend wanted to jump into the sack with both of us, but my partner didnt think i'd be into it.... doh !!
Picture this scenario: You have some friends over for dinner and drinks, a movie, play some pool, conversation.... whatever the case may be. It gets late and most go home, but one friend has had too much to drink and is invited to stay the night in the spare room. More drinks are had, more conversation, then the conversation gets a bit sexual... and everyone gets a little frisky ... why not just go for it and have some fun?! Hell, you're all friends, and friends have fun together all the time ! Friends go on camping trips, fishing trips.... partying.... there's so many things that friends do together - coz its nice to share the fun things in life with friends .... which brings me to the question.....
Sex with friends, Love making with partners.
The idea is worth opening your mind to, i believe.
Don't forget to ADD ME to your bloglist and check out some other funnies i've shared :)
nux (FF Host) - 11 Apr, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUThats one of the points i was discussing earlier in the blog.... why cant the friendship remain? why should the friendship end just because you've had sex and one party developed stronger feelings? To end a frienship someone would have had to have done something wrong .... what's so wrong here? Society and general opinion says that you cant still be friends with someone after sex.... and i think thats crap. I've had friends with benefits before, and even after the sex stopped, i dont think "oh, i'm not having sex wit her i've got to hate her"... i'm still good friends with pretty much everyone i've had sex with - even most of my ex's. Sure there's a few that i dont get along with ... but thats not because society says i cant be frinds coz they are ex's, its because they've wronged me. In most cases the relationship just didnt work - no need to hate for that. We were different people with different wants and needs, doesnt make either party a bad person, it just makes you incompatible for a relationship, we can still be friends. I just hate the way society tells us how we should feel, and how we should act.
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(Private Profile) - 11 Apr, 10
-Ok I hear ya on that point. So when one person develops more intense feelings for the other, the sex should stop......but where does that leave the friendship? as unshakeable as it was before the sex?? i think not.....
I think in some situations this could definitely work, and as you and others have pointed out, it does work....but are your situations the majority, or minority? something to think about....personally, I think you are definitely the minority as I believe most people couldn't go back to being the same type of friends they were before the sex....I actually envy you for that....
(Private Profile) - 11 Apr, 10
-Yes I understood what you meant by no emotions the first time, and I am on the same page with you there. When i talked about my situation, I meant that we were not able to stick to the plan, or the rules as I like to call it. We found ourselves falling for each other in a really hard way. To us, the sex meant something, not just a little bit of fun on the side. After agreeing that we did not want a relationship, it looks as though we are going in that direction, albiet very slowly.
Am I making any sense whatsoever??-
nux (FF Host) - 11 Apr, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUyeah you are making sense, and yes i understood your situation... its definately easier for you to develop more intense feelings for eachother as you are both single. In the partnership situation, as soon as one party starts developing more feelings then the "friend with benefits" arangement, then the sex should stop - as Privateme pointed out. There's a lot of different scenarios that can unfold, but the answer to the blog title is still YES - in my opinion.
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(Private Profile) - 11 Apr, 10
-I think theoretically, this can definitely be done. In theory though, these friends know that its only fun and no emotions are involved. Its purely black and white.
In reality, grays may enter. It might start off the way both agree, the friendship is the priority and a little fun on the side is involved......but how long before one or the other gets emotionally attached?
We are, after all, human. If we weren't, we wouldn't have the emotional ties that come with a friendship.
I don't know how to answer your question Nux, because I have not been able to do this.
I have a special friend whose friendship means the world to me. After agreeing that we both did not want anything more than just friendship and sex, things got out of hand and we both realised that we have become attached to each other and may possibly want more than a friendship.
My point here is, really good friends sometimes can't help but get emotionally attached after they have sex. The positive thing for me and my friend is that we are both single, which may also explain why we became attached to each other. If we were married to other people, then maybe things would be different. But as it turns out, we were not able to keep the emotions out after we had sex.
I commend anyone who can be friends with someone, sleep with them, and at the end of the day have no attachments. I wasn't able to and neither was my friend.-
nux (FF Host) - 11 Apr, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUPerhaps i worded it wrongly, when i say "no emotions" ....i don't mean NONE whatsoever.... of course there's going to be emotions, friendship is an emotion... and with friendship comes admiration, respect and even love....but love on a different scale is what i mean. You can love people without wanting to live with eachother and share everything that goes with a "relationship". People in a relationship can still enjoy the company of others, even feel a sense of love for others, but still remain comitted to the person they are in the relationship, that love is the strongest. It can and should remain that way. Make sense?
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(Private Profile) - 10 Apr, 10
-Yeah and thats something I struggled with for a while, him and I have a great relationship (sex excluded) and it took me a while to get past the morale judgment and make a decision that I am going to have fun with my life and sex is just an activity, something I choose not to go without. Sex after all is fun and should be enjoyed. After years of discussing our sex life, I now decide to create my own and I am happy with that. He is happy with our relationship and I am with most of it, I just get what I need from others that I cant get from him...... it works for me and he is happy so fuck it (excuse french) I say! lol
(Private Profile) - 08 Apr, 10
-Awesome blog Nux, in fact I have been having the same thought myself in recent weeks. I am a very open and honest person, yet I seem to hide certain things from my husband simply because I know how he would react should he find out (I have approached many things with him and I know this is something he would never agree to). But I enjoy sex, I see it as a fun activity. I dont plan on leaving my husband but I dont plan on not having any fun either. I have a regular fuck buddy that I see every now and then, it is clear to both of us that it will never go any further and if either one of us starts to feel anything than we discuss it and if need stop it. I am great friends with this person, in fact I consider them to be one of my best mates we just get each other and seem to always be on the same page. The sex is just an added bonus to our friendship that we both enjoy. It hasnt affected our friendship in anyway and when the time comes that we stop having sex I am sure that our friendship will continue strong. The difference is we both made it clear from the start what we wanted, we both understand each others situations, as long as you are honest and upfront then it should not be a problem. I am yet to hook up with anyone from FF, but I seem to be looking for attached men simply for the reason it is less complicated when you know its only about sex and having fun, no emotional bullshit. Sex is fun, it is an activity, society has its own opinions but you have to live your life by your rules and what you feel is right for you. You live once, why not enjoy it?
nux (FF Host) - 08 Apr, 10
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUGreat reply Private, thanks !
I completely agree with everything you say, especially your closing statement.756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
bunny - 21 May, 09
Glengarry, TAS, AUits just a shame if people dont accept you the way you the public eye,i can cover my boobs and my tatts and noone knows any different.i have mates that dont even know ive got piercings,lol
It should be the same with sex... each to their own preference...the old saying "what you dont know,cant hurt you"??? says alot...1 Comment - 0 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 28 Feb, 09
-I agree with Rach, but it does require the two people to be honest, I haven't found many honest guys and I usually find the friendship dwindles as the physical side heats up.
What is with that? See for me the whole package is a turn on not just the body parts.
nux (FF Host) - 05 Mar, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUExactly, why should the friendship dwindle when the physical side heats up? I'm still friends with a lot of people whom i've shagged, no reason not to be.
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nux (FF Host) - 24 Mar, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUHmm, do you think maybe the friendship dwindles because of the honesty factor.....or lack there of?
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nux (FF Host) - 26 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUThanks for sharing Nick... interesting, i think you're looking at the wider picture, like falling in love type lovers. Sure, that can happen - quite often does in fact. Quite often we hear about friends bonking and end up hating each other though.. i just don't think that's necessary at all. I think a lot of people have that mindset engrained in them by society.. almost as if they know as soon as they bonk they know their friendship is doomed. I just think a little less worrying about society and a little more dedication to self beliefs, and doing what "feels right"... then society need not drive us.
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(Private Profile) - 19 Feb, 09
-haha, i kind of got sidetracked and went off on a tangent, any excuse to share a good story! xx
nux (FF Host) - 19 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUAwsome piece of literature there Fox... love it.
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nux (FF Host) - 19 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUHmm, tricky question to answer, Tish, but i'll have a lash.
It's true in some part that you don't know what the reaction would be, but then that opens the question "how well do you really know your partner"... which is a huge can of worms - i'll leave that can sealed for now.
Ok, lets say you really don't know how they'll react... i think its a good idea to just test the water.... just a casual conversation ... and mention "oh Suzie was telling me one of her friends was caught cheating, but after sitting down with her husband and discussing it decided they'd stay together in an open relationship!" - see how your partner reacts... prod gently, use your judgement as to where the line is - and don't cross it. See if that initiates a conversation as to how he feels about that situation, then you should be able to get a few answers... but be careful, if things start getting a little heated, best to shut the hell up and get out of there... but then again, compatibility questions have to be raised if it causes conflict.
As for the friendship ending after such encounters - no, friendships don't need to end after sharing some fun, that situation should be discussed with those taking part before anything happens. Again - be open and honest !756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
(Private Profile) - 17 Feb, 09
-well, ive been in this situation a couple of times. first was when i was 19 and dating a 43 year old. we were on holiday and met a nice couple on their honeymoon. we shared lots of drinks, late nite skinny dips and plenty of laughs. after a swim one night and while my partner and i were showering, the other couple came into the bathroom and started making out while watching us.... i was a bit uncomfortable about it but didnt mind being watched. went no further that nite but next day we were queried if we would like a 4some. being my young naive self i declined and i think they were pretty offended, didnt see much of them for the rest of our time there, fair assumption they found another couple to play with. my second experience was years later, was my boys school fete and after a long hot tiring day kicked back with a few chardy's with some of the other mums. after a few of those i was pretty drunk and really couldnt drive home. one of my school mum friends invited me back to her place to sober up. i slept a couple of hours and woke up to find her and her hubby in the spa. i borrowed their daughters bikini and jumped in. we shared a couple of joints and flirted a bit with each other. shall call them john and mary for the purpose of this story. they were laughing at how i struggled to fill the bikini top, being chesty challenged as i am! mary lost her top to show me that she too wasnt a big girl, so i removed mine. john got out of the spa to roll another j and left us alone. i was pretty heady by now and when she leaned in to kiss me i didnt resist. we kissed and touched a little and john returned with a hard on. i remember thinking this is weird and feigned feeling unwell and asked if i could lay down a while. mary took me to their bathroom and helped me into the shower. i found their bed with the covers down so crawled in and fell asleep. i woke some time later to find them both either side of me stroking my hair and asking if i was ok. they began to kiss each other over the top of me and their warm bodies were snuggled up against me. one thing led to another and pretty soon were all enjoying each other. it was gentle and passionate and they were very considerate constantly asking if i was ok. i woke in the morning, the 3 of us still in bed and wasnt sure what to do. i dressed and made a hasty exit, ran into their neighbour who was a dad from the school and sped off like a bat outta hell! i got a call from mary around lunchtime to see that i got home ok. we didnt mention the previous nites goings on and never have since. we are still friendly when we see each other though that isnt often now as our children have now moved on to different high schools. i did do the swingers party thing once while married but that was just plain disatrous so wont divulge further.
personally, i would never instigate this kind of liason with any of my existing friends, i just dont see them that way. they have been a wonderful support to me during rough times and i wouldnt want to impede on that. thats not to say that i dont have friendships now that are or have been sexual, generally starting that way. these friendships have been rewarding both emotionally and physically and not to mention fun. some have stayed friends, some have moved on. these days im pretty open to anything, as long as those involved are comfortable and no-one gets hurt, the common theme here.
my circumstances these days lead me to live a fairly balanced life. my kids are my number one priority and are never involved with my wilder side. the two are very seperate.the moral of the story? stay safe, respectful and honest. we all have our own code of morality and as long as nobody is hurt in the process then all is good.
i have found that society is much more obliging and less judgemental, the older i get, or maybe thats just me.
life is short, try the things you really want to, sidestep those that you dont but dont die wondering! xx
nux (FF Host) - 17 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUAwsome reply Sass, Thanks so much for sharing. I love your line "we each have our own code of morality and as long as nobody is hurt in the process then all is good"... i also like "Don't die wondering" but yes, balance is important. Thanks again for sharing :)
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(Private Profile) - 18 Feb, 09
-Guys for my two cents worth I thought a quote from a book my wife is reading might help:
Not all who wander are lost......."Later in life, career changes, marital misadventure, spiritual explorations - all can be forms of wandering that seem to depart from the norm but may simply express the courage to take risks in the struggle to find happiness and meaning. Though a straight line appears to be the shortest distance between two points, life has a way of confounding geometry. Often it is the dalliances and detours that define us. There are no maps to guide our most important searches......we must rely on hope, chance, intuition and a willingness to be surprised"The journey that is life is just full of detours, stop signs, give ways and the fast lane!
For the record my wife and I are on this journey together and it has all the aspects defined above.
nux (FF Host) - 15 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUAIDS? Hmmm, i would have thought everyone would practice safe sex these days, and if you don't... well thats a completely different discussion.
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(Private Profile) - 15 Feb, 09
-Indeed, maybe Society frowns upon non monogamous activities because it's perception of "friends as lovers" equates to the'70's era of "free love"??? Society doesn't know if every single non monogamous activity is being practised safely, Society just looks at the statistics, the blame for the AIDS epidemic is on gays, drug users and promiscuous individuals.
MEH, you sure know how to pick discussions! :P
nux (FF Host) - 15 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUExactly, and never once did i suggest otherwise.
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nux (FF Host) - 15 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUKidding about what? You said, there's no recipe for living that suits all cases....meaning everyone is different.... i think thats stating the obvious... "no brainer" is an expression for "obvious".
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nux (FF Host) - 14 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUYeah, i think that's a no brainer.
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nux (FF Host) - 14 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUCool, great reply... all summed up in the final paragraph... thanks for sharing Rach :)
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nux (FF Host) - 14 Feb, 09
Brunswick Heads, NSW, AUThe question was "Can Friends Be Lovers"..... then i went about rambling on with a bunch of crap, and then at the end asked "Why can't friends be lovers?" ... and no, i didn't ask if sociiety frowns upon swingwers, i actually SAID that society frowns apon non monogomous behaviour... no question about it. My blog was just to put a few points across to suggest that non monogomous behaviour doesn't have to be as horrible as society makes it out to be. So, if the answer to the original question is no, then people can reply and explain in their opinion, why?
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(Private Profile) - 15 Feb, 09
-Ah, thanks for the clarification.
I must say though, in light of your clear-up, it's my own personal view that I myself wouldn't engage in non monogamous activities. Probably because of my Catholic upbringing, certainly not because of societal persuasions. But I do understand why it's frowned upon: The AIDS epidemic comes to mind.
Again, as I said previously, whatever floats your boat and makes you happy as long as no one gets hurt along the way.
(Private Profile) - 13 Feb, 09
-Er....what was the question again?
Friends can be lovers; modern day terminology for this is "fuck buddies". Absolutely nothing wrong with having one of them, particularly if all concerned are interested only in having fun without the pressures of a full on relationship.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you asking if society frowns upon "swinging"??? I'll no doubt need to re-read your blog but that's what it sounds like to me.
Either way, my opinion is do whatever floats your boat, whatever makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone along the way. Stuff society! :)
Hmmmm, and all this from a practising celibate! hehe
I definitely agree with you on that point, society has no right to make the rules. We are individuals and what works for some doesn't work for others.
Society expects monogamy....anything less than that is just 'wrong'. But if you are able to find someone, a friend, who can fulfil your other needs and you are able to maintain the friendship, then I bid you good luck. That is everyones dream isn't it?? Or is it?