I'm sorry.
Have deleted last post because I don't want to upset people. Will keep that shit to myself.
Medical69 - 10 May, 15
Swan Hill, VIC, AUI just need to be careful about posting specific information because of strict confidentiality laws. Unfortunately I posted when I had very little sleep. I love what I do but children are so fragile. Things change very quickly when treating kids and when those changes are evident, it is often too late. For example, and adult has a heart attack, you take steps to prevent further problem. In kids, if something like that happens, it's not the heart that's the problem, it's something else and often it's too late. I don't sleep well after treating kids.
8 Comments - 3 Blog Posts
richooh - 10 May, 15
Holland Park, QLD, AUIt depends on what you wrote for starters. Sometimes people get upset by the simplest things or take it the wrong way.
19 Comments - 0 Blog Posts
Holland Park, QLD, AU
It shows you care for others which is a good thing. Its a reflection of ones self. True about confidentiality which one needs to be mindful of .