Merry Christmas - Take care on the roads
23 Dec, 08
Merry Christmas one and all, the time to enjoy family and kids if u have them. One thing to remember is to concentrate on the road and dont trust other drivers judgements - go defensive and get to the destination. Boring oh well.
Also like to apologise for my profile which I will update shortly, I wrote it over a few shandies, and upon reading again, i must say I sound like a desperado deviate. What can I say Im not really that much of one, Im new to this type of thing so yeah.
Ok theres my first blog live life enjoy.
(Private Profile) - 24 Dec, 08
-Merry Christmas Mate ;)
I second that philosophy...get to your destination and don't become a statistic this holiday period.
Cheers mate. I made it to Bris in one piece. LOL on the profile thing. Looks ok though.