useless imformation
Hey more dribble from me, i went fishing the other day in me boat ,well not mine excactly couldnt take it out my self as i dont have licience ,so i had to get my mad kiwi mate who thinks i sletp wth his x misses but never did , i kepted getting this eary feeling every time i passed the fishing knife to him ,but hey didnt do the deed and he needs to move on from thought ,anyway we got a few hits, massive by the way but missed what ever it was , the day was most wierd as it was calm as but so quite no a boat in sight i started to think we missed a cyclone or severe weather warning for a minute, well a lot longer than a minute .we kept fishing stop a a few spots still no good ,then out in distance we notice yet a storm a brewing, we were three km of shore about anyway mabe more, not bad though thank fuck ,we were in a small tinny with 25 horse power on back ,me up front the nose of boat , the ocean was getting choppy and i seen that look in the mad kiwis eyes agian as he was opperating the boat and if u no boats the worse place u can be sitting is at nose of boat when choppy s, the mad fucking kiwi went full fucking throttle didnt the mad fuck with that you slept with my xs misses look in his eye, i felt every fucking wave the mad fuck hit for 3km and if i ever run into his xs again well doggy doggy , me and me mad kiwi mate are going out in boat again mon made fucking sure weathers good hopfuly cacth a fish or two and i might drive this time, we are mate when hes not thinking im doing somthing wrong by him hey im a good bloke .....
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