hernia opp 17 may just useles info ,no not worried just another hurdle in life

Updated 15 May, 12 - 0 Comments.

hey all ,a say all but i only have one or two members read my blog thats life i guess, doesnt realy phase me though just on here to get to know met women make connection ,octorber last year 2011 had surg on my right for arm ,after being on ff for to mnth finding itdificult trying to get to no members as was ,and my typeing well a bit slow , noone seems to take time out in reality to get to know, bugger,any way after forearm incident well,i cut main artery and tendant to little finger ,well obvioiusly typeing was even slower ,hey shit happens ues the time of from work to get fitter and did finaly return to work in late nov more shit happen got unfiarly dismised from my employment at time when return to work from crismas break in dec fuck i thought . so i went to fwa didnt want job back as i dont work for anyone that acosiates with asswholes won, case though was unfairly dismissed.

while all this was happening i kept fitness up so when finaly get employment it want be so hard phisicaly on body ,now im going into recovery again need to have 2 to 4 weeks of after hernia opp still unemployed but would have job by now, if treated fiarly in firstplace but shit happens and theres asswholes everywhere and without asswhole there would be no way for anyone to deposit our shit. life gos on im writeing for two reasons for members to read , and for me to write and it is just enougther challange to the road of life .....

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