art , i like to think im a good sketcher
I dont do it much but i have a hobby , i like to sketch mianly landscapes theres a few on my profile ...
when i was 36 i was a sole parent of my duaghter she was five at the time i think i riased her by myself til she was nine , anyhows i went back to school year twelve and other one of the subjects was art , when the excam came up thoery of three hours i think then prac the prac was i chose between useing a4 , and a2 paper to draw on and your chioce of medium i think thats the term for drawing matiriel , i chose water colours as they work for me and i love useing them.
the the pract ? i answered was a ritual hat you do in every day live if you use a4 you need yo do 2 drawings on the same? so as i rowed a conoe at that time i draw the river and a figure of a man in a canoe and a cone getting what i made to look like getting prpared to go out on the water which was i ritual of mine for about 6 years ,............................................................................ and at bottom right hand corner of pic you need to exsplian the ritual .
THE SECOND PIC , I CHOSE TO DRAW ,AS I WAS A TRAINEE IN HORTICULTURE at the time mianly irragation in parks here in townsvill on the council , i drew a parrk the visual is garden swings grass and sprinkerlers , popups which was one of the job i had to perform a irragation check , whith popups and dripers in gardens anywhere that needs to be irragated by irragation systems . in th pic i draw 2 popups faceing each other and where they were cyliding.
i mean the spray it created a puddle of water and in the puddle of water i draw a suringed it ralates as that was one of our hazzards checking gardens the irragational system even in the holes of the popup , users i mean , junkies of what ever drug disposed the used suringes in gardens or where ever and well you get what i mean nidle stick injurie , .........................................................................so i exsplianed in the bottom right hand corner it was the ritual of a irragational check and the hazzards i faced, day to day .. i scored very high a a+
so i love to draw and mianly lanscapes with water colours ...
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