you never know what you might miss out on

06 Apr, 09 - 10 Comments.

They met at a bar surrounded by mutual friends, after a few sideways glances he approached. Charming and funny she was immediately comfortable, there connection filled the room all eyes were watching. They immediately retreated to a quiet corner, as their conversations grew on so did their connection. They spoke for hours starting with the basics he was a personal trainer and scuba instructor, they were both single. She started to become worried that he had also felt their bond as she had a reputation for breaking hearts and although had never meant to in the past was still wary not to again. She had a couple more drinks and was once again at ease. As the night grew on their distance grew closer, and there was suddenly a tension between them neither one wanted to address for fear the other had not noticed. Finally he could not control himself any more "so do you want to get out of here." without a word she stood took his hand and they retreated to the nearest taxi. Once back at her house there were no misconceptions they both knew exactly what they wanted. He moved her up against the wall his kiss was so passionate she could not help but become overwhelmed by it, her legs wrapped around him, he held her up with one arm caressing her with the other. He was gentle and passionate she knew immediately that he was what she had been waiting for. They were together for hours exploring every inch of each other, finally as they moved as one she became overcome by pleasure she no longer knew that anything else existed. Trying to regain herself she was unable to, the pleasure had become so intense it was engulfing her, no longer able to control herself she surrendered herself to him.

She awoke in the morning tight in his embrace, she started to think to herself about the amazing night she had just experienced. He started to stir, as she watched him lay staring over his perfectly formed body, every muscle was so flawlessly defined she could not help but become excited. She began to kiss him ever so gently down his body, allowing him to awake softly under her touch. As she saw his eyes begin to open she began to tease him caressing lower and lower until finally she took him into her mouth. His back arched and he let out a slight groan, he placed his hand over hers once again she was reminded of how compassionate he was with her. As she continued to pleasure him his body tightened every muscle moving with gratification. Finally he could no longer resist her as he erupted.

They lay next to each other chatting as they had the night before, finally the time had come they were both saddened to have to leave the world they had created where only they could exist. As he left he placed his arms around her and a soft kiss on her lips, they were parting as friends however as he walked away he turned and looked back at her, their eyes met and they both knew this would not be the last time they would cherish each other if only for one more night.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and she awoke, she realised where she was and let out a cry "FUCK WHY DIDN'T I GO TO THE PUB LAST NIGHT"

  • (Private Profile) - 09 Apr, 09

    A dream? really? damn and i thought when i woke each morning that Santa had visited!


  • hope darling - 08 Apr, 09
    Edens Landing, QLD, AU

    oh skrew that I think you need to come to the city, here chances are they are single, good looking, with amazing bodies (and Gunz Hella), and always know what to say. which is good if your not looking for anything serious straight up.


    39 Comments - 5 Blog Posts
  • hope darling - 08 Apr, 09
    Edens Landing, QLD, AU

    I know but I have decided that I am definitely going to the pub this weekend. who needs to dream it when there is the possibility of actually experiencing it.


    39 Comments - 5 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 06 Apr, 09

    Absolutely! You know me...never too far away from alcohol and a good healthy perve at freshly showered gun ;)
    PMSL.. btw...I remembered the asian dude in the pink gear at Cargo Bar!!


    • (Private Profile) - 06 Apr, 09

      Yikes....that's GUNZ...not gun. Umm. Typo.


    • hope darling - 06 Apr, 09
      Edens Landing, QLD, AU

      yeah he was so funny, and the dancing OMG.
      well when I get my new place finished you will have to come up and visit, I'll take you around to the best gunz shows in town.


      39 Comments - 5 Blog Posts

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