This one is for all the Holden lovers - Stranger Danger

06 Feb, 09 - 3 Comments.

One day a 12-year old boy was walking down the street when a car pulled up beside him and the window was wound down.

"I'll give you a bag of lollies if you get in the car," said the male driver.

"No way, get stuffed," replied the boy.

"How about a bag of lollies and $10?" asked the driver.

"I said no way," replied the irritated youngster.

"What about a bag of lollies and FIFTY BUCKS , eh?" quizzed the driver,still rolling slowly to keep up with the walking boy.

"No, I'm not getting in the fricken car!" answered the boy.

"OK, I know, I'll give you $100 and a bag of lollies," the driver offered.

"NO," screamed the boy.

"What will it take to get you into the car?" asked the driver with a long sigh.

The boy replied, "Listen Dad, you bought the Ford, you live with it."

  • nux (FF Host) - 06 Feb, 09
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Ha ! I'll pay that one.... btw: one of my mates is high up in HSV development, and he's a test driver too... lucky bastard... anyway... for die hard aussie Holden lovers - hmmm, dont wanna say too much, coz it may not happen, but there's whispers of a Torana rebirth... how cool would that be!?!... we're talking twin turbo v6... oh man, ima sell my house so i can buy one .... if they come out :-P


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • hope darling - 06 Feb, 09
      Edens Landing, QLD, AU

      ok if they bring that out I will buy one for sure. I don't care what it takes. keep us updated ok.


      39 Comments - 5 Blog Posts

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