Sunday is a day of Leisure

30 May, 07 - 6 Comments.

For most people, Sunday is a recovery day. Boring! I make an effort to go out on Friday nights, hit the turps with a vengeance and then spend saturday recovering.

I normally go to bed early on Saturday night and watch a few DVDs with my Shetland sheepdog, Poochy. This allows me to get up early on Sunday, and hit the road running. I normally swim early to wake up (if you don't have a pool at your gym or apartment or house, dunk your head in a bucket of water to wake up quickly), and then it's time to head down the coast for some surfing.

This winter has been ace for swell and wind direction and almost every weekend down in Victoria its going off. By 10am I'm at the beach and in the water, and at least 2-3 hours in the surf is a huge cardio workout, and seriously enjoyable.

Then I drive home, almost fall asleep at the wheels sometimes! Very bad - I find lollies help wake me up on the long drive home. Then it's time for a game of tennis (there's always less players in winter, which suits me fine as you don't have to book the courts) and then it's time to relax and watch Ren & Stimpy followed by some spicy Tom Yum soup to cleanse the digestive system (lots of chilli!).

And that's my average Sunday. Sometimes when I have an occassion, I swap the Sunday for Saturday so I can go out on the sat night, but generally speaking, this system has made my life very enjoyable.

Try it, and maybe you too will be happy and healthy.

  • jilljacquie - 30 Apr, 10
    Cheltenham, VIC, AU

    I have to agree with your lifestyle my biggest Highs are from Exercise and being outdoors.Healthy eating a glass of red or white a great nite out, time to ones self, chillin with my babies a blue heeler and silky terrier.


    1 Comment - 0 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 14 Jun, 07

    Reading this made me feel lazy... I used to swim at the beach, cant surf and broke myself on a skateboard, Tried yoga, pilates and running is not on my list - I now like to sleep in on sundays and will stick to fire twirling in the backyard...


  • Reg Bartley - 01 Jun, 07
    Melbourne, VIC, AU

    Dearest Feaxx.
    Not making a point of it, but there is a reason that the only people replying to you "Web-Log" are of the male persuasion.
    Having said that, fancy a drink? Malt liquor?


    1 Comment - 3 Blog Posts
  • Feaxx - 30 May, 07
    Tweed Heads, NSW, AU

    This Blog is so cool. I have a similar regime on the weekends. I'm 29 and kind of sick of going out and getting drunk all the time. Plus, I find the chix I meet at the pubs are never keen on longterm relationships, even though I'm a great catch! Nice work man.


    4 Comments - 1 Blog Post

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