just curious?
ive got some spare time right now so i thought id get on my phone and right this..i was wondering what peoples opinion on australia at the moment and also the world i travel overseas alot but even tho im australian i havnt seen much of it. and as ive noticed this place isnt just full over horndogs and crazys theres alot of smart people..smart horndogs aswell lol..im not sure if any of this makes sense but ill soon find out!!!!
(Private Profile) - 16 Jun, 10
-Hey Niko Australia is the best country on the planet darl, or at least as far as I am concerned. You could spend your whole life traveling it and still not see it all.
As Krysp said go on a working holiday, driving around the coast and check out all the different places. The difference in this country from one side to the other is amazing. Even Tassie is really worth the look darl. You would feel right at home there, very close to UK weather.... lol
Hope that is what you were looking for darl... mwahhhhhhh cya
Wavell Heights, QLD, AU
lol i didnt make much sense i was very tired!!!but i do prefer cold places its hard to explain if u dnt like cold and also very used to different scenery i dnt class australia as my backyard
Well darl move to Melbourne where it is colder hun and you well prolly look on it as more like your backyard hun.... closer to UK weather darling.