Network Game Night #1: 9th August

Updated 05 Aug, 12 - 5 Comments.

Ok, this is happening.

The game will be Left4Dead on PC. Console versions do not cross into PC games. We'll be attempting to kick off at 8.30pm AEST, but as with everything online-game-oriented, these things never quite go as well as would be ideally liked, so please be patient if we don't quite start on time.

You will need:

  • A copy of Steam (free)
  • A copy of Left4Dead (not free, but fairly cheap in round terms).

Please PM me to grab the details. You'll need to supply me with your Steam username so that I can invite you to the game. It's been requested that I keep the game private, for...administrative reasons.

We can facilitate up to 8 players. If we go over...well, let's cross that bridge when we come to it.

As with all community events, please keep it civil and be good sports.

Hope to hear from interested parties soon. Questions re: this event are welcome.

Game on.

EDIT 1: It won't always be shooty games. Depending on the overall level of interest, we'll have a rotating game system.

  • (Private Profile) - 06 Aug, 12

    It's $19.99 USD. Wouldn't "gifting" it would be free and temporarily?
    I heard if you gift it to friends, they can play for two days.


  • (Private Profile) - 05 Aug, 12

    I will have to download L4D1, because I only got L4D2, i'll let you know when I've done that.


  • nux (FF Host) - 05 Aug, 12
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Awww man, all of a sudden i wish i was a gamer :-/
    Hope you get some interest, and more importantly, hope you have fun !


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