The life of a lighting guy...
Tonight i was at work behind the scenes at an event and i walked past all the catering and bar staff several times on the way to doing my gig and everything was normal until i stopped to wait for some punters. whilst waiting I notice a very attractive young lady that smiled at me and offered to get out of my way. This itself is not unusual, myany times am I able to get a smile out of very smart attractive women but yet it was only tonight that it really hit me that I have not yet taken advantage of this element of my work place... I mean surley it would be easy for me to stop and grab a number or two every now and then but I never have...
So this gets me thinking further are you born that guy who sees every situation in life as an oportunity to meet people or do you learn it?
and should work and pleasure be mixed more??
opportunity is what it is and each opportunityis there to be chosen or not....
North Perth, WA, AU
I guess thats the wisdom in me that has chose not to choose all these times and separate work and pleasure.