So for the first time in a long time I fell in love with a new band and their music, They arre Called "Mutemath" from new orleans and the rocked my world. I saw a video clip of theirs and immediatly i did some reasearch and found they had a side show from the grovin the moo tour the next day and there was still tix left.
This band blew my mind and the full house at amplifier, we were packed in there so tight and knowone wantet to give up their posiition in the crowd, lucky i know the venue well and the good spots when its full.
anyway I had come down from that high untill reecently i bought the album and took it to bali on a recent holiday and there is this one song, Pirtania, they play it a bit on triple j. I just could now get it out of my head.
Special times and beautiful rhymes....
Gotta go pick my buddy up from the airport soon, hes been on tour in the kimberly with a band and he will bee keen for all the Gossip, so
Bon soir!!
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