25 Jun, 12 - 14 Comments.

So I have this friend, I have known her a few years now and there has always been sexual attraction and chemistry but for whatever reason we have never hooked up.

Recently I told her that i would like to develop our relationship based on stronger feelings I have for her, she did not feel the same way and feels like she needs more of an exciting style hook up than someone she has know a while.

I have never been the overly pushy type so I can respect her wishes and continue on as normal nowing that my thoughts and feelings are public to her.

my problem is that when ever we go out and other girls show me attention she subliminally or intentionally gets in the way, I take this as a sign or somthing and run with this flirting and then as usuall the next day she snaps back to her original and overcalculated "i dont want you in that way" frame of mind.

This behaviour doesnt really bother me as flirting can be as much fun as sex, but nontheless it is probably destructive to both of us finding someone new...


  • (Private Profile) - 27 Jun, 12

    next time just tell her as you would a mate."you had your chance and made your choice ,now i am trying to get in this girls pants. so be the friend you said you want to be and back off"(or put up)


  • (Private Profile) - 26 Jun, 12

    without wanting to sound like a meanie it sounds like the old "shes just not into you" thing,,,,But i wouldnt worry too much lovely..im sure there are plenty of girls ready to take her place on your "want" list ....


  • (Private Profile) - 26 Jun, 12

    Just ignore her stupid acts. Behave talk to her. Threat her as a friend. One trick I find very useful when I am having this kind of trouble with people I am not interested in is confessing I have a crush on someone. It might hurt for a short moment but it has so far always transferred sexual tension to friendship.

    Or encourage her to hit on some bloke you meet when you are out. Guide her away from you to get your own freedom. But go on and have fun.


  • Dimplicity - 26 Jun, 12
    North Perth, WA, AU

    Yes it is the true definition of a cock block regardless of gender, but from the girls pov how do I give the cold shoulder without seeming like a dickhead that failed at getting the girl and is moving on???


    10 Comments - 8 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 26 Jun, 12

    To me it sounds like she's using you to pump her ego...and you're falling for it. Walk away now. If she was a bloke what she does when you are out would be called cock blocking.


  • (Private Profile) - 26 Jun, 12

    I have to agree Nux.. She sounds like she wants you around when she wants you to lean on, but doesn't 'want' you.. walk away, and she 'might' realise what she lost.. but the downside is, she might not come. You would have to be prepared to keep walking and not crawl back.

    Currently you are in the 'Friendzone' and you ain't leaving it any time soon, mate.

    Having said that, it's my opinion, and you know you best.


  • nux (FF Host) - 26 Jun, 12
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    She sounds like a bitch.
    Sorry, i know she's your friend and you want to get into her pants, but someone had to say it.


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • Dimplicity - 26 Jun, 12
    North Perth, WA, AU

    Thanks for all the good advice, bit confused now, but I'll keep you all posted.


    10 Comments - 8 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 26 Jun, 12

    yep, indeed
    game playing is what this is
    oh I don't want you, but hey I'll be like this when we go out
    enough already
    do what 50z said and tell it to her straight, be firm with her
    Some women need this
    You are not a push over, don't allow her to play you
    game set match (over)


  • Dimplicity - 25 Jun, 12
    North Perth, WA, AU

    I Have and did, never get anything difinitive, except this time she acknowledged it as a problem she needs to sort out. Guess thats a start?


    10 Comments - 8 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 25 Jun, 12

    Yes it is destructive. Ask her why?

    I have a friend who knows he isnĀ“t the right for me. He knows why I look for other men and he supports me in this. Nevertheless he acts like a "Big brother" looking after baby sister. He even jokes that he wants to approve the candidates. It is a kind of possessiveness. We never go out together...so he is never in between for real. We speak about this regularly.

    Speak to her!


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