Processing Ponder

Updated 14 Mar, 11 - 4 Comments.

Interpretation is something I have been weary of. People have their own mental processes and thoughts, and sometimes forget that others may not share the same ones. Behaviour sometimes do not reflect these interior processes, and hence can lead to misinterpretations. I have touched upon this subject before in my other blog, article named 'It is like an inkblot'.

I sometimes ponder other people's mental processes. Mostly the motivation behind their interpretation. Sometimes it is for their best interests, or to pick a fight. They can read into something so little and insignificant, creating a bigger picture than what is in reality. They forget that another person may not be able to articulate exactly their intentions, are joking, or have an ulterior motive. They fiind themselves interpreting conversations literally or assume in between the lines, which both can be dangerous.

Recently I noticed how easily I can be misinterpretated. I have always felt myself as misinterpreted most of my life. Sometimes I, myself, forget that others are not in my head. Hence I articulate things ambiguously at times. This, plus what was mentioned before, creates a greater dosage of misinterpretation. And yes, it can become a big deal.

  • (Private Profile) - 15 Mar, 11

    By the way the first ink blot reminds me of a woman's uterus.
    The second one reminds me of a uterus with thighs.
    The second one just pisses me off... I don't know what the hell it is.



    • blackice - 15 Mar, 11
      Tuart Hill, WA, AU

      Teeheehee. Wow, you really have uterus on your mind! Intriguing =).


      9 Comments - 6 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 15 Mar, 11

    Yes, sometimes people know that they have a few choices in regards to how they could possibly react to situations/conversations etc. but when they realize this and make the decision to give a negative reaction and create the who 'misunderstanding ' - it can also be because at times it is infuriating that people don't think a little about what it COULD mean before they speak and do things. In these cases the issue is not the present issue - it is the fact that the person has not put any consideration into what they are doing/saying. So it might be wrong to be nasty/negative and choose to misunderstand but who says 'hey I know what you mean but you could have offended me or hurt me - why don't you ever think about potential consequences' ... it's wanky, and takes too much time.


  • nux (FF Host) - 15 Mar, 11
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Well said.
    Punctuation is the biggest contributor to missinterpretations.
    You touched on pondering people's motivation behind their mental process, sometimes its an honest mistake, but, sadly, sometimes people purposely misinterpret things so they can play the hero for their own benefit - whether it be for a hidden agenda, or for an ego stroke.
    This behaviour can run rife in some chat communities to the point where it (the community) can self destruct. I've seen it happen.


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts

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