Pressure Ponder

08 Mar, 11 - 2 Comments.


An answer that should be the end of discussion, but never is. There is always the 'why?' or the 'how do you know?' or even 'I'm sure you meant yes'. Never satisfied with the 'N' word. Why can't they let it be? Always trying to change one's mind instead.

Conversation is always the same: "I think you will like it", to which I reply, "I know what I like, and that is not it". Some things you just know. Yet there is the pressure and persuation. Do they not know what stubborness is? Because it gets greater the more they push.

"Just try it, and if you don't like it you can stop". Of course this is all good for the other person. Whilst I try they are getting what they want for that brief moment. They may ask me to try again, persistence may make we enjoy it more. However, they shall never know. I never give in to the first dose of pressure.

  • (Private Profile) - 09 Mar, 11

    blackice and nor should you give into the first dose of pressure!!! There are two letters in NO and I always used to say to my daughter when she was small, what don't you get the N or the O. She always saw sense that I was not backing down and Neither should you.

    If someone does not hear the word NO they never have your best interests at heart. They are not a friend or anything else but a selfish person trying to meet their needs at the expense of someone else's needs. I have ALWAYS found that, that is NEVER in my best interest ever and over the years I have learned to listen.

    So if someone does not hear my NO I walk away and then they don't get a second chance to try and persuade you that their way is better. My way is always better for me!!!!!


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