Passion Ponder
Passion can be such a strong feeling. It can make one do things they otherwise may not do. Tolerate what they otherwise would not tolerate. Or even go out of their way for whatever it is they are passionate about.
Passion exists spontaneously, but can end just as quickly as it started. However, it can still linger for awhile. It is such a natural response, but I wonder if it can be simulated.
What are the factors that create passion? What is it that makes one person passionate about something, while everyone else just aren't? And could a person enter the right environment, with the right factors, and automatically feel passion? Can it be created intentionally?
People can be influenced and conditioned to do or feel certain things. Can they be conditioned to feel passion, though? I think that if someone knew the factors involved and could make people passionate, it could become a dangerous tool. Imagine having that power. Convincing people they are passionate about you. Or something else. Would you want that power? And if so, how would you use it?
(Private Profile) - 17 Mar, 11
-i think passion can be learnt or grown intentionally but only voluntarily,,, truly anyway.
when passion is there and is sparked by one and another responds to it you have something... when you both passionately spark together consistantly then it lasts and with enough effort and consideration it will keep going.
We live in a world thats constantly changing so you can't condition anything unless you lock them away and who wants to do that! I'm with Eezz on that one.
Veshna's last lines are so true and i like his whole answer.