Member Blogs
FlingFinder blogs are an incredibly effective way to get yourself noticed and give other members a peek at the inner you.
Talk about anything - your social life, your job, jokes, favourite movies/books/bands/sites, sex, politics, or the meaning of life.
A new low even for scammers
Updated 24 Mar, 10 - 8 comments.One of the less subtle scammers we've blocked lately. This one isn't even funny. Scumbags. IP ADDRESS: (Well-known scammer country) Title: I am M.Sarah Frank.62yrs I am deaf and have cancer of th…
Music test !
Updated 18 May, 10 - 4 comments.How well do you think you know music? Click on the link below, and have a close look at the image. There's 70 Bands hidden in the image - see if you can find them - write them down ! If you want a h…
Best ad ever !
Food for thought...
Updated 28 Apr, 10 - 2 comments.FlingFinder has a lot of success stories but I hear a few negative comments occasionally from less successful members. Remember that the people here are REAL - not fake, and most REAL people take a …
Sunday is a day of Leisure
By Feaxx30 May, 07 - 6 comments.For most people, Sunday is a recovery day. Boring! I make an effort to go out on Friday nights, hit the turps with a vengeance and then spend saturday recovering. I normally go to bed early on Satur…
Advice needed....
Updated 22 Apr, 10 - 6 comments.Hi Guys, I really need your advice. I have suspected for some time now that my partner has been cheating on me. The usual signs are there - phone rings, but if I answer, the caller hangs up. My partn…
No Strings Attached
By carrisma_114 Mar, 10 - 2 comments.She stretches and yawns as she wakes from her short nap; the ocean always has that effect on her. Not to mention last nights activities, the beach all to themselves. When her lover first suggested a…
Instant messaging
By carrisma_120 Mar, 10 - 1 comment.I sit in this darken room, The only light is my monitor and the moon. You IM me and I suddenly feel high, With your typed written words I touch myself oh my. My screen becomes filled with lustful …
What are your thoughts on......
Updated 21 Apr, 10 - 1 comment.Crabs on the box?? I've heard you can get cream for crabs, but i'm not sure it would work on these suckers...... cept maybe a nice garlic & chives cream ;)
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